Attending the ceremony: the Ambassador of Israel in Italy, Dror Eydar, followed by the interventions of the Regional Councilor, Angelo Vaccarezza, of the President of the Health and Social Security Commission of the Region Liguria, Brunello Brunetto, the Quaestor of Savona, Giannina Roatta, the President of the Province of Savona, Pierangelo Olivieri, the Mayor of Savona, Ilaria Caprioglio, the President of the Italy-Israel Association of Savona, Cristina Franco, and the Co-Founder of Soapy Europe Srl, Federico Raveglia.
The Covid-19 pandemic has taken its toll on the world with incredibly high death rates and prolonged illnesses. This is a time to stand together, to fight the viruses so that people all around the world can stay safe and healthy. Soapy is proud to stand by Italy in these trying times, and to continue to create a safer world – one hand wash at a time. Improving patient safety in hospitals is our responsibility.
Soapy makes hand hygiene compliance, fun and accurate.